The closest Tirana Airport is in 45.8 km from the bed and breakfast.
Why tourists like Antique House Elbasan
For guests are offered a whole range of amenities: car lot, easy and quick check-in/check-out, pretty garden, playground for kids, private non-smoking rooms, internet services. It is important to note only cash is accepted for payment.
Accommodation staff is fluent in Italian, French, English.
About accommodation
For tourists' cozy accommodation is offered only one room type - triple in the bed and breakfast. Guests can count on such amenities as terrace, hairdryer, dining table, extra long beds (> 2 metres), refrigerator, outdoor dining area.Bed and breakfast Antique House Elbasan is conveniently situated in Rruga Ptoleme Xhuvani, Elbasan, Albanie in Elbasan only in 608 m from the centre.
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