There is a parking place for vehicles on site. Food and drinks can be served to the room (on request). There is a terrace equipped for the guests. The administrator at the reception desk works 24 hours. Free access to the Internet is provided. You should inform about your intention to come with a pet in advance. Here you can order a shuttle from/to the airport. Guests can use cash-only payment.There are 7 rooms in the hotel. The accommodation is presented with the following categories of rooms: apartment, double, twin/double. Here are proposed facilities such as air conditioning, kitchenette, refrigerator, desk, flat-screen tv, terrace, outdoor furniture.
Any noise will not disturb you at night because there is soundproofing. Accommodation has a lot of rooms with sea view, city view, river view.We recommend you to book "Hotel Iréne" in advance to make your vacation smooth and easy. Online service "Planet of Hotels" guarantees minimal cost and instant booking confirmation on the e-mail.
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